Monday, October 12, 2009

The Crazy Puzzle Lady

I just have to share my encounter with this woman in the community hall of yesterday's campground. I went up to the center to check out the library and a lady was sitting there working on a jig saw puzzle, so being the friendly person that I am, I struck up a conversation, just asked her what she was working on, innocent enough question right? So she shows me the box cover, it is Walt Disney's Castle. And then proceeds to tell me how a few days before she had it almost all put together and a 5 year old child came along and just messed it all up. But she doesn't end there.....she begins to cry and repeats this story over and over and over without end, to the story or the crying....truly weird. Was I supposed to feel sorry for her? All I could say was, "well I gotta go now". And every time after that when I saw her she was labeled in my head as "The Crazy Puzzle Lady".


AndyD said...

maybe a little organic brain syndrome going on - not much you could do.. very sad. I'm sure you did what you could do -

Ellie said...

Oh well, bless her heart and yours too! Guess you need to be a little more careful with us old ladies!!!