Friday, January 22, 2010

Whooping Crane Migration

I worked Wednesday at the Wildlife Refuge and was rewarded with the sight of The Flight of the Whooping Cranes!  They were coming to their winter home which is about five miles from here.  I had heard they would be flying over, but you never know the time.  Then when I got to work one of the other volunteers told me they flew over yesterday so wasn't even thinking about it.  A couple hours later I heard  the sound of an ultra-lite plane, looked up and saw just a plane, but then a few seconds later there they were......a second ultra-lite and the ten cranes, all in one line, like half of a "V".  So cool!  Sorry I couldn't get a photo, but they were too high up for my camera.

1 comment:

Cedar ... said...

very cool,... at least you have a photo printed in your memory!