Thursday, December 3, 2009

Latest Yard Sale Find......Vintage Costume Jewelry

Check it out....It was somebody's Grandmother's jewelry box.  I got this lot (plus many more additional pieces, the ones previously listed and a batch yet unlisted) by being the first person at this woman's yard sale here in Florida.  Her grandmother had recently passed and she inherited all of her costume jewelry.  She just had a few things out, no price, when I inquired she said "oh, $1 or $2 a piece" so I started picking out some nice looking pieces and then she said how she had lots more and one thing led to another.  She brought about a large shoe box full out of the house and we agreed on $100 for everything!  Not knowing much about jewelry I was making a wager based just on my aesthetic senses.  Plus I could see that a few pieces were signed.  Hopefully I will more than double my investment.


Cedar ... said...

Cool! i see one item that looks like it's 1920s. Good luck!

Ellie said...

Oh Cedar, I see them all!!!! I am such a sucker to all of Chris's treasures!